Tuesday, August 19, 2003


I've started this BLOG as an outlet for creative expression against the current state of the industry for Massively Multiplayer Online RPG's which has severely veered off track ever since the post Ultima Online era.

If you're wondering about my experience I've been gaming online since the mid nineties playing pay to play dialup games on services like Compu$erve, up and through my college years where I discovered netrek and MUDs/MUSHs over the university internet connection. Since the demise of popularity for those 8bit graphic or text only games I began playing games such as Ultima Online and haven't stopped since.

My opinions as they say are purely my own, while I'll hit upon topics affecting the industry, rant against the games that continue to ignore good game design, my own opinion is just that. I whole heartily welcome well thought out discussions and comments by the whopping 4 or so readers that I may have. ;)

Frankly, while there have been some positive changes in the current generation of MMORPGS, the frightening trend of catering to the lowest common denominator attempting to grab as much subscription revenue as possible has come at the cost of player bases and game quality.

If that wasn't enough, add insult to injury by continuing to release titles from beta 4-8 weeks before they're completed with major bugs and incomplete features still to be addressed. Not only is a defective product being released and sold to the gaming public, customers are forced to pay another $24-30 in subscriptions until the game is working as advertised.

And what do we as customers do? We buy it right off the shelf all wide eyed and slack jawed in hopes that this will be the latest greatest online game ever made, or as least that's what the marketeers said about it...
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